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The Solar Bus is involved in a variety of important issues. You can stay informed by signing up for any of the following newsletters. Note: We never sell, trade, or give away any information whatsoever.

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The Solar Bus offers five different newsletters. Please sign up for the newsletter(s) you are interested in:

"On the Bus" the Solar Bus Newsletter This newsletter focuses on the Solar Bus project. By receiving this newsletter you will stay informed about places and dates the Solar Bus can be seen in public. You'll learn about the work we're doing on the Bus. In the future we will be offering workshops, lectures, and other educational opportunities, and they will all be mentioned in "On the Bus." The newsletter also will keep you informed about developments in technology and things that are happening in the renewable energy industry. Signup:
Renewable Energy News This is a new newsletter that is still under development, but you can sign up for it now. There is some overlap between "On the Bus" and the Renewable Energy Newsletter. The difference with this newsletter is that the primary focus is not on the Solar Bus itself, but more on news and developments in the renewable energy industry. Signup:
Election Justice News This newsletter focuses on news and developments that relate to electronic voting, election fraud, and open and fair elections. The Solar Bus has become a leading organization in informing the public about the problems with electronic voting. You can read more about this subect at our Election Justice Center. Signup:
Peace, Politics and Activism There is some overlap between this newsletter and Election Justice News. However this newsletter is not exclusively focused on election issues. To stay informed about the peace movement, how it relates to politics, impeachment efforts, truth in media, and other related issues, sign up for this newsletter. Signup:
Spirituality The Solar Bus is actually a project of the Harmony Institute. What is the Harmony Institute? It's a small think tank and publishing company focusing on helping people live in harmony with each other and the natural world. Before the Solar Bus project began, the primary focus of the Harmony Insitute was in helping promote the idea that the religions of the world have more in common that most people realize. The first book published by the Harmony Institute is an objective look at the world's religions, focusing on the similarities instead of the differences. The book has been used worldwide to help people of different backgrounds and religions come together and focus on our common bonds, instead of fighting wars over whose God is the true God. For more information about the Harmony Institute and the book, see the Harmony Institute website. The newsletter focuses on spirituality, the power of the mind, self-hyponsis, religious harmony, peace, and other interesting related subjects. Signup:
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