The Truth About the
2004 Election

Why we must not get over it

a free interactive multimedia CD produced by the Solar Bus Election Justice Center
version 1.0

You should have received this CD for free. Please continue to pass it on. By receiving this CD, you are asked to make a voluntary pledge to do the following:

  • Invite at least one other person to watch some of the videos on this CD with you.
  • Make at least three copies of the CD and give them to people you think will watch them.
  • Take at least one action to help the cause for election justice. Many simple action items and more involved volunteer opportunities can be found on this CD (see the Help/FAQ page).

More information and details on copying and distributing this CD can be found on the Help/FAQ page.

This free CD is one way the Solar Bus Election Justice Center seeks to inform the public about the very real problems with our election system. Your voluntary donations to the Solar Bus project and the other organizations who help make these videos and documents available are appreciated.

Now, are you ready to learn about what really happened on November 2nd, 2004?