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It's clear, the extent to which the votes will be counted correctly in this election depends on the vigilance of citizens like YOU.

One of the most useful things you can do is report the election data to a team of experts who will be analyzing the data and looking for anomalies, immediately on Election Night. We need this to be done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Here is what we are asking of all citizens:

Help us compare precinct counts to aggregate official reports.

This is one of the real vulnerabilities of our election system. Between the first count at the precinct and the official results, there are a number of places where the data can be corrupted. Having the data from the local precincts allows the analysts to look for evidence of machine failure and fraud.

The precinct vote counts, as reported immediately after the polls close, are an essential part of the real-time analysis project. These precinct tallies are something we can only get from citizens in their local areas. Here are some ways you can get this data.

Go to and print out the form. Take it with you to fill out.

  • If you live in an area where the precinct totals are posted, plan to be present shortly after the polls close and wait for the posting.
  • If you are a pollworker or monitor, inspect the poll tapes from the machines. Write down the totals for each candidate, on each machine. Also look for any error logs. If you are not allowed to do this, write the numbers down as they are read off.
  • If you are not a pollworker, check if you have any friends who are. Ask them if they can get you the total vote counts, as written on the poll tapes.
  • Call your town clerk or local election official and ask them how you can get the precinct-level election results on election night. Tell them you want to make sure you’re getting the original numbers from the precinct, not as reported from the Secretary of State.
  • Call the local office of your political party. They usually have people in the polling places who call in to report the results for each precinct. Ask them if you can call (or even come to the headquarters) on election night to get the numbers from them.
  • Call your newspaper and ask them if they will be publishing election results from each precinct. If they are, ask if they receive them from the precincts or from the Secretary of State, and what time they usually come in. If tallies are reported to the newpaper directly from the precincts, call in for them at the earliest time they recommend.

Once you have the data, get back online as soon as possible, return to This time fill in the form (off your sheet) and submit it.

THANK YOU for playing this vital role in our efforts to make our elections secure.


Here are some more equally important things you can do to help find evidence of fraud in the election: